Sand ‘n Waves!


This is Albie, connecting with you either from my home in Pasadena or on my sailboat sailing out to Catalina Island.  


The other day I walked down over the warm sand on the beach, and then wading through the ocean water.


There’s something so peaceful about it, watching the waves come in and seeing below the white water at the darker wet sand below the surface. Watching the patterns on the sand change too as each wave rolls in.

It’s really captivating and takes your mind off of normal life. I get lots of inspiring thoughts too as I walk and these thoughts sometimes change my whole perspective. I mean one of the reasons I’m even sharing this with you now is because of walks like this. 


It’s those inspiring times that can change your life and inspire you to do things with your life you might not have thought about otherwise.
Often the sun will be setting and watching the afterglow over the ocean or behind the distant mountains is really beautiful. It’s times like these that I really reach out to connect with God and realize his love for me. Maybe you can relate?
Anyway, there are some really beautiful times in life and times when an inspiring thought can spin your world around. The thing is, any inspiring thought or goal to achieve something has to be accompanied with real work or that thought will just become a waste ~ or at worst a delusion.
To be honest, I’m always building my dreams and working daily to achieve them. What was a dream a few years ago, I’ve already achieved and am moving forward to the next one. And some dreams are 10 year goals and I’m still working on those. But the important thing is to get started and get in a habit of slowing achieving them or in a year from now, nothing will have been achieved and you’ll be looking at the same problems.
So if this inspired you to look into working with me online and accomplishing your dreams, just email me back with the subject line: “Share with me more.” And I’ll share more with you about it.
PS: By the way, in case you’re curious, you can see more about our program here.
Talk soon!




Required Disclaimer:  As with any opportunity there are many variables. Results cannot be guaranteed and any testimonials or examples given in this email may not be typical. You may do better or worse.

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