Tag Archives: beautiful

Rock Art at Carlsbad Beach

Beach Day (SMILE:)

The rock art got destroyed by the waves seven times before I was able to take a picture of it finished! Three hours of re-working on it over and over again (lol). I was really worn out and really wet. The waves not only got the rock art but eventually got my shoes and clothes soaking wet. I went home like a wet rat, wet, sandy everywhere with wet socks and shoes.


Welcome to Albie’s Travel!

I love sailing, hiking, personal motivation, business and sharing what I love with others! Feel free to check out all my exciting adventures at my websites below!



This week I wanted to share with you our trip to Carlsbad beach California. 

We went to Carlsbad for my sons wedding! We stayed at a really cool 

hotel on the beach called Ocean Palms Resort.  

We went in the jacuzi, swam in the pool, went to the beach whenever we wanted, had three bedrooms, living room and full kitchen and enjoyed hanging out with family!


Totum poles, swimming Pools, wading in the ocean, resting in beautiful rooms and relaxing in the porch jacuzi…



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Earning While Traveling


Here’s some pictures of our city Hall in Pasadena Ca. It’s built with the same
design as St Paul’s in London England (which by the way, I’ve been to many times).
I especially remember St. Paul’s because it’s inside of Disney’s Mary Poppins (haha). 
As you can see I enjoy going to our City Hall in Pasadena because it’s really
a lovely place and because it reminds me of other beautiful places I’ve been in my life. 

I’ve been going there on and off for months now and I always find a new spot
that fascinates me to take a picture of. 

I hope someday you will have a chance to see it also and maybe even it’s sister sites throughout the world that are built with the same architectural designs.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you this week about earning while sharing what you love.
As you can see I love to travel and find a lot of happiness and excitement going to
new places – especially with my lovely wife Janette. 

Honestly it’s not easy to figure out how to earn while sharing what you love or traveling
and I had a hard time of it for many years.
The two tips I can give you are: 
Being consistent at sharing what you love with others every day is vital.

Once you stop doing it, you lose momentum and stop looking for answers.
Even if you only share with people for a few moments every day, it’s the
that counts above everything else. Jim Rohn has a quote
that goes like this: 
Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event.
You don’t fail overnight. Instead, 
failure is a few errors in judgment,
repeated every day.”
All the answers to doing it successfully are out there and Elizabeta
and I are here to help you too. We actively coach and mentor others to learn
how to earn 
consistently online. You can see more details about it here:
Let’s talk soon! 
parts of this article are taken from my summery from: https://aemailer.club/category/make-money-online/

 Destroying Worry in Our Lives.

You know it’s super easy to worry. Worry is like the darkness trying to overcome us. It’s paralyzing and attempts to destroy our dreams and hopes.

See full article here:


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Or Email Us Back & Let’s Talk! 
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692 



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